Scans från Influence
Jag tror inte att jag någon gång har lagt ut hur MKAs coffe table bok Influence egentligen ser ut, alltså på insidan. Därför tänker jag göra det nu. :)
"Whether she knows it or not, my sister has been my greatest teacher. At a young age, we had very distinct personalities; like a teddy bear, she was quiet and affectionate, and loving-which are adjectives I wouldn't necessarily use to describe myself at that age (feisty and stubborn would be more appropriate).
But by merely observing her demeanor, she taught me another way of being: I learned how to be affectionate. I learned how to compromise. I learned that tough love is not the only option. As one matures, personalities become more complex. In Ashley's case, she evolved into a woman with a strong work ethic (she works twelve-hour days or more) and determination (she was the one to convince our parents to buy us our first pair of heels-red one-inch platforms with cherries on them). Her most dominant characteristic would be her natural business mentality (without a prior relationship, The Row)-and those are only minor examples. Passionate and true to her convictions, Ashley is an admirable woman who lives her life with a great magnitude of integrity, loyalty, and love. It's been an honor to watch her grow and evolve on this twenty-two-year journey all the while fulfilling her roles of CEO, fashion designer, business partner, and sister.
Possessed of a pure heart, unrelenting dedication, consistent drive, and endless innovation, Ashley Olsen is a person who has-and continues to influence me and the people in her life to do better, work harder, laugh more, live longer, be stronger, and know that anything is possible.
--MARY KATE OLSEN" (Bild + text:
Postat av: celebri
Vilken fin blogg du har
Postat av: Ronny
Hej! Ett litet kort oannonserat besök av en objuden gäst hos dig och vi får se vad det blir av det.
Du kanske upplever denna kommentar lite opersonlig? Men någonstans måste man ju börja?
Postat av: Renée
Tack så mycket Celebri. :)